Getting Started
To log in, go to your local authority’s Provider Portal home page. If asked, enter your email address and password. Then click the Login button to go to your provider’s secure home page. If you are a contact for multiple providers, you will be asked to choose a provider.
Once logged in, a number of options become available to you at the top of the page. You will also see your name and your provider’s name (if applicable). If you are registered with multiple providers, you will see a picker box which allows you to change the current provider. Everything you can see or do in the online services relates to one specific provider/carer.
More Information
These pages contain additional information.
Home Page
Who Can Use the Online Services?
How to Get Access
Logging Out
Once you have finished using the online services, click the “Log Out” link in the top right corner of the page. This will end your secure session.